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The closest thing investigates the relationship between the organic and the virtual body through the video installation device. The videos are recorded mainly in the same space where the performance will be performed. With the use of three video projectors, these images are reproduced in real size, duplicating the scene in an almost imperceptible way at the beginning, and gradually expanding the spatial perception. The project was born from the meeting between the Argentinian performer and audio-visual maker Lucia Nacht and Italian dancer and choreographer Valeria Caboi. The research has as a premise the creation of a displaced environment, through the relation between elements that can be recognized by the viewer and the virtual universe.

Objectives of the project:


  • To create a deformation of reality, through metamorphoses where bodies and objects fond to give life to other beings.

  • To experiment different movement qualities that challenge the physical limits, taking inspiration from the virtual bodies in the projections.

  • To cause physical and spatial estrangement.

  • To Transport the viewer in a honyric state

  • To initiate a reflection on the contemporary body in the digital era, where technological devices work as intermediaries with reality, leaving the body inactive and isolated in the illusion of presence and community.

With the support of: Calouste Gulbenkian Fundation, Forum Dança, Fabrica Perú.

The closest Thing

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